Die Shortlist der Finalisten des VIEPA 2021 Awards in der Sparte "Black & White" stehen fest!
Foto: Ameli Paolo Italy Young Lion.
Shortlist Black & White
Ameli Paolo Italy
Au Jason Hong Kong SAR
Bauer Sebastian Germany
Berlingerio Francesco United Kingdom
Binder Lina Austria
Bízová Edita Czechia
Buergi Joe Switzerland
Canepa Raffaele Italy
Digalakis George Greece
Divitschek Reinhold Austria
Durand Sebastien France
Ebert Steffen Germany
Egger Marcel Austria
Eicken Henry Germany
Fandler Martin Germany
Gräf Ralph Germany
Gruber Steff Switzerland
Jourdan Yves France
Kaufmann Alexander Austria
Kerekes Istvan Hungary
Kuhn Judith Germany
Lazareva Anna France
Li Mengguo Singapore
Loddenkemper Frank Germany
López Ruiz Juan Spain
Lorenz Gabriel Germany
Mährlein Michael Germany
Mayer Selina United Kingdo
Müller Conny Germany
Müllers Theo Germany
Odthermat George Emil Germany
Peerenboom Markus Germany
Pichler Wolfgang Austria
Pinnizzotto Emiliano Italy
Pyrek Karolina Poland
Schmitz Willi Germany
Schwarz Nailia Germany
Štandera Radek Czechia
Teo Chin Leong Singapore
Turkistani Hanaa Saudi Arabia
van Balken Marcel Netherlands
Vockenhub Ägidius Austria
Wacker Anna Germany
Wichmann Hans Germany
Wieczorek Marzena Germany
Winkens Georg Germany
Wirtgen Emil Germany
Young Steve Young Spain
Den Siegern winken:
Black + White Division
VIEphoto Gold Medal
VIEphoto Silver Medal
VIEphoto Bronce Medal
Jury - Special Prize: Participation in the Summer Intensive Diploma Course Photo Design worth Euro 890.-
Alle SHORTLISTS der angenommenen Werke des Vienna International Photo Awards 2021 werden in der Woche 28 veröffentlicht! Aus diesen Shortlists werden die Sieger, Preisträger und Inhaber der Honorable Mentions, ebenso wie der Gewinner des Vienna International Photo Awards 2021 bei der Preisverleihung am 14. September 2021 gekürt.
Wir dürfen alle Nominierten der Shortlists und Freunde des VIEPA Awards 2021 zu Preisverleihung und Eröffnung des Vienna International Photo Awards 2021 in die LIK Akademie für Foto und Design in die Seidengasse 17 in 1070 Wien einladen.
The SHORTLISTS of the accepted works of the Vienna International Photo Award 2021 will be published here in week 28! From these shortlists, the winners, award winners and holders of the Honorable Mentions, as well as the winner of the Vienna International Photo Award 2021 will be chosen at the award ceremony on 2021 September, 14th.
We would like to invite all nominees of the shortlists and friends of the VIEPA Award 2021 to the award ceremony and opening of the Vienna International Photo Award 2021 at the LIK Academy for Photo and Design at Seidengasse 17 in 1070 Vienna.
Alle Ausstellungsfotos wurden durch den Laborpartner des VIEPA 2021 Award COLOR DRACK geprintet und kaschiert.