Angenommene Werke - Shortlist Fashion Photography des WMPO Awards 2022
Francis Willey Canada
Hier ist sie die Shortlist der angenommenen Werke der Sparte Mode Fotografie des 1. World Masters of Photography Award 2022.
Aus diesen Werken werden die 20 Honorable Mentions, die Bronze und Silber Medaille und die WMPO Trophy von der Jury vergeben.
Die Honorable Mention Galerie wird am 31.3.2022 hier veröffentlicht!
Here is the shortlist of the accepted works of the fashion photography category of the 1st World Masters of Photography Award 2022.
From these works, the 20 Honorable Mentions, the Bronze and Silver Medal and the WMPO Trophy will be awarded by the jury.
The Honorable Mention Gallery will be published here on 31.3.2022!
Berger Bernd Austria Stumme Frauenschrei
Berger Bernd Austria Eleganz
Drosdek Eva Austria eye contact
Drosdek Eva Austria The bag is on fire!
Drosdek Eva Austria Thoughtful
Esterer Sandra Austria Venezia
Friedrich Iris Germany Like aliens on our planet
Friedrich Iris Germany leave our caves
Friedrich Iris Germany facing life
Friedrich Iris Germany floating
Halwax Eric Austria Hello, Marlene
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria Without tickets
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria The color of autumn
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria On a long journey
Karamazov Vladimir Bulgaria A look at freedom
Kiss Yvonne Austria Glamourous Red - Selbstinszenierung
Marini Eva Austria
Marini Eva Austria
Marini Eva Austria
Marini Eva Austria
mia Bodenstein Austria
Müller-Griessenauer Karin Austria Fake fur
Mushinskaia Anna Austria Lady in silk dress
Mushinskaia Anna Austria Rathaus
Otto Katy Germany
Schölmberger Philipp Austria Dirty Bohemian
Schölmberger Philipp Austria Wildflower
Schölmberger Philipp Austria Free Spirit
Schölmberger Philipp Austria Wild Eyes
Tamboly Armand Germany Spandexmania
Tamboly Armand Germany Royal
Tamboly Armand Germany Avantgarde
Tamboly Armand Germany French General
Theologitis Andreas Greece Metal Beauty 02
Theologitis Andreas Greece Metal Beauty 01
Trauner Thom Austria In a love field
Trauner Thom Austria Basketball Court
Trauner Thom Austria No sound and vision
Willey Francis Canada Psychotherapist
Willey Francis Canada Carnival Lily
Willey Francis Canada Velveteen
Willey Francis Canada The Jazz Singer
Wirth Stefan Austria
Wirth Stefan Austria
Wirth Stefan Austria
Wirth Stefan Austria
Zhang Frank United States Yayoi Kusama X Botanic Garden of New York-Dancing Pumpkin
Zhang Frank United States Yayoi Kusama X Botanic Garden of New York-Ascension Garden of Polka Dots on the Trees
Zhang Frank United States Yayoi Kusama X Botanic Garden of New York-Ascension Garden of Polka Dots on the Trees
Zhang Frank United States Yayoi Kusama X Botanic Garden of New York-Dancing Pumpkin
Award Ceremony of the 1. World Masters of Photography Award on 2022 July 3rd in Vienna
Siegerehrung und Screening der der Honorable Mentions und Sieger des 1. WMPO World Masters of Photography Awards 2022. Register now. All Winners will be informed!
Yayoi Kusama USA - X Botanic Garden of New York-Ascension Garden of Polka Dots on the Trees