Sommer Photo Festival Vienna

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WMPO Winners Exhibition in Spain.

WMPO Winners Exhibition in Spain too!

Die Preisverleihung des 1. World Masters of Photography Award und die Ausstellung der Siegerfotos fand im Rahmen des Sommer Fotofestivals in Wien statt. Die großformatigen Siegerfotos printed by Color Drack sind jetzt unterwegs ins spanische Andalusien um unweit von Malaga im Oktober bei den internationalen Competa Photo Days gezeigt zu werden. 

The award ceremony of the 1st World Masters of Photography Award and the exhibition of the winning photos took place as part of the Summer Photo Festival in Vienna. The large-format winning photos printed by Color Drack are now on their way to Andalusia, Spain, to be shown not far from Malaga in October at the international Competa Photo Days. 


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Espana Photo Exhibition 2022

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