World Masters of Photography WMPO Street Photography Awards 2024
World Masters of Photography WMPO Awards 2024
Die Jury hat entschieden! Alle Sieger und Honorable Mentions stehen fest! Hier sind die Ergebnisse des WMPO Street Photography Awards 2024:
Gewinner des Street Photography Awards 2024:
1. Platz: WMPO Trophy GOLD 2024 : Massimo Gaetano - Italy - untitled
2. Platz: WMPO TROPHY SILVER 2024: Anna Wacker - Germany - Under the Belly of the Beast.
3. Platz: WMPO TROPHY BRONCE 2024: Péter Király - Hungary - Rainy Day
WMPO SILVER: Judith Kuhn - Germany - captivating blue
WMPO BRONCE: Roswitha Stelzer - Austria - Pyramidal poplars
Honorable Mentions:
Street Photography - 3rd World Masters of Photography Award 2024
Massimo Gaetano - Italy - untitled
Massimo Gaetano - Italy - untitled
Stefano Spezi - Italy - Sunset Games Marrakech 2023
Barbara Fischer - Germany - Expecting something
VIET VAN TRAN - Vietnam - The woman and three children
Yuandong Ma - China - Childhood
Sisira Maddumage - United Kingdom - untitled
Renato Lainho - Portugal - The skater and the shadow.
Yik Hin Ivan Wong - Hong Kong SAR - Who Care
Marina Halmenschlager - Austria - Love locks in the City…
Fabian Sigler - Germany - Umbrella
ChengLong Zhang - China - Amidst in fine snow
Christine Kemp - United States - Free Tibet Protest in San Francisco
Roberto Crucitti - Cambodia - Waiting for customers
Renato Lainho - Portugal - Morning jog at the river
ChengLong Zhang - China - Girls on subway escalators
carl kammel Austria - hary stojka
Wir gratulieren allen Gewinnern und den Teilnehmern zu ihren herausragenden Beiträgen beim STREET Photography Awards 2024!
Award Ceremony of the 3. World Masters of Photography Award on 2024 June 27 in Vienna
Siegerehrung und Screening der der Honorable Mentions und Sieger des 3. WMPO World Masters of Photography Awards 2024. Register now.
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